About Us
HLB Mann Judd (Fiji) (formerly known as HLB Crosbie & Associates) is a well-established firm of accountants and business advisers in Fiji. The firm was formed in 1991 by William Crosbie from New Zealand, who acquired a small but well known sole practitioner in Suva. The firm established a second office in Nadi in 1992. However, due to political events in May 2000, the Suva office was closed and operations were moved to the Nadi office. The Suva office was later re-opened in 2012 and a third office was opened in 2014 in Labasa.

Who we are
We’re in your corner. We’re there every step of the way to work through your government and compliance concerns.
How we work together
We act for a broad spectrum of businesses and industries. The firm’s main office is located in Nadi with another two sub offices, one in Suva and the other in Labasa. Overall, we have 40 staff of which 35 are “professional staff” and 4 look after various administrative roles.
Apart from the traditional services that public accountants provide; such as Business Services and Taxation, we specialise in advising and assisting investors in Fiji maintain their affairs up to date, that they are compliant with all statutory filings and that their investments are structured to take advantage of Fiji tax incentives and other benefits, which may be available. We also undertake small to medium size companies audits in governance with the Fiji Auditing Standards which is complied with reference to International Standard on Auditing (ISA) using it as the underlying standards, thereby ensuring conformity with the equivalent ISAs, issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Board (IAASB).
We have a good reputation amongst all Government Departments and regulatory authorities. Our submissions and dealings on behalf of our clients are respected and have credibility within then business community.
Our relationship with the banks is excellent and we have a good support with all the major banks in Fiji.
We aim to be the most efficient and effective accounting firm in Fiji. It is our goal to provide open lines of communication with all our clients, respond as quickly as possible and deal with any client Matters speedily and effectively.
Our staff are efficient, hardworking and pleasant to deal with. They will go that extra mile to assist you with any matters you need assistance with.
At HLB Mann Judd (Fiji), we appreciate the importance of a successful, well-oiled business to the stakeholders. We know that there are many pitfalls and weaknesses in business structures and systems.
To gain maximum returns from any investment it is important to develop and maintain strong relationships with consultants and professionals as an aid to achieving your goals and ensuring that businesses also meet their statutory obligations. We know that positive results are achieved by meeting those challenges step by step as part of a close trusting relationship with our clients.
About the HLB Mann Judd Australasian Association
HLB Mann Judd is a leading mid-sized chartered accounting group. The Australasian Association consists of 9 member firms and 3 representative firms in Australia, New Zealand and Fiji. It represents a group of specialists providing business advice and services to a wide range of business organisations and private clients.